Bitcoin Depot برنامه ها

Bitcoin Depot Wallet 2.4.12
Bitcoin Depot
BITCOIN WALLET, ATM COMPATIBLE & SAFE! The Bitcoin DepotWalletis the premier wallet developed by and supportedbyBitcoin Depot. Using the Bitcoin Depot Wallet gives you accesstothe nationwide network of Bitcoin Depot ATMs as well as allotherBitcoin services offered by other companies. The bestBitcoinWallet for use at Bitcoin Depot ATM around the country.Takecontrol of your bitcoin! With the Bitcoin Depot Wallet, onlyYOUhave access to your funds and transaction data. NeitherBitcoinDepot nor any 3rd party can access your money or data. UsingtheBitcoin Depot Wallet gives you exclusive access to ourcustomersupport, VIP rates, and special offers. Bitcoin Depotdelivers anamazing user experience. Bitcoin Depot provides eyepoppingfunctions: • Bitcoin Depot Wallet, Bitcoin Depot Inc, andany 3rdparty has Zero-knowledge & zero-access to your funds,keys, ortransaction data. • Import funds from Bitcoin Depot ATMPaperWallets • Pay using Bluetooth (BLE) without needing QR codes.•Simple account creation using just a login & password.•Automatic encrypted wallet backup to redundant peer-to-peercloudservers • The easiest-to-secure wallet in the world.One-Touch2-Factor Authentication • Quickly switch accounts withusernamedrop down on login screens. • Multi-device synchronizationacrossall mobile devices. • Hierarchical Deterministic wallets withnewchange addresses for every transaction • Multiple walletsperaccount with easily defined wallet names. • Multiple fiatcurrencysupport. Traveling and want to understand what you arepaying in alocal currency? No sweat. • Search transactions bypayee, category,or custom notations by you, the user. • Built incalculator foreasy conversions. • Merchant Mode- enables easy andfluid UI behindthe counter • Partial payment detection creates anew QR codepayment request with remaining balance • Daily spendinglimits thatare password enabled and disabled. • Two-tap quick UI totransferfunds between wallets • Decentralized server architecture.Walletswork even if Bitcoin Depot servers are down. • Integrationwith theBitcoin Depot business directory to auto completetransactionsbusiness information for the transaction. You may evenincludephotos and logos! • BIP 70 Payment Protocol Support*********Privacy Notice ********* The Bitcoin Depot Walletapplicationrequests access to the device contact list, location,and personalinformation. This information is used on the device toprovide animproved user experience in the following ways: 1.Autocompletecontacts from the user's address book after atransaction 2.Autocomplete contacts from the user's address book tosend Email orSMS payment requests 3. Autocomplete business listingsnames aftera transaction 4. Geolocate user's device to find nearbybusinessesNo personal info or contact list info ever leaves thedevicewithout first being encrypted by the user'scredentials(username/password). Neither Bitcoin Depot nor any 3rdparty hasknowledge of the information accessed by the application.
Bitcoin Depot 1.0.40
Bitcoin Depot
Managing your cryptocurrency has never been easier! TheBitcoinDepot App provides maximum security while allowing all typesofusers to Get their Bitcoin in a Minute. With our app, we makeitsimple to locate the nearest BTM, buy bitcoin, sell bitcoin,andexchange many of the top cryptocurrencies in one easyplace.Features Secure crypto wallet and blockchain app Easy touseBitcoin wallet app with support for top crypto assetsQuicklylocate your nearest BTM Privacy Notice The applicationrequestsaccess to the device contact list, and personalinformation. Thisinformation is used on the device to provide animproved userexperience in the following ways: 1. Autocompletecontacts from theuser's address book after a transaction 2.Autocomplete contactsfrom the user's address book to send Email orSMS payment requestsNo personal info or contact list info everleaves the devicewithout first being encrypted by the user'scredentials(username/password). NeitherBitcoin Depot nor any 3rdparty canaccess the information requested by the application.